About Us
Just because Head in the Cloud is a new company doesn’t mean that we lack any experience or industry professionalism. In fact, we’ve been around the block many times before!
You see, Head in the Cloud is the brainchild of Brad Theron who teamed up with his wingmen/beer buddies and passionate filmmakers, Darren Illet and Robert Whitehead. Since 2009 they have worked on an impressive collection of award-winning shows for Cooked in Africa Films.
Later on in 2014, an exciting opportunity kicked down their door. They were commissioned to produce an interactive online diet course for the best-selling food trend on everyone’s lips: The Real Meal Revolution.
After the success of this online series, The team
realised that the future of video, marketing and film were online. It was a no brainer that they should move their focus and talents online, and so, not long after that the idea for Head in the Cloud Films was born in the early hours of the morning in a smoky bar.
We offer the full package!
Pre-Production and Planning
Post Production
We can also get involved at any stage of the game – so if you just need a cameraman or only want your video to be edited, we’ve got your back!